
Heartfelt Hurt Quotes & Messages Images

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Heart Broken Quotes

Hurting someone is very easy, but when you yourself are hurt you then know the agony on being hurt and crushed into pieces. I have a collection of  heartfelt hurt quotes about love, relationship, and life with beautiful images that will explain what it feels like to be hurt by someone you care about. Free download these hurting, broken heart, sad and depressing quotes images.

Heartfelt Hurt Quotes & Messages Images

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Thank the people who hurt you, because it’s them who make you better and stronger, but never trust them again.

heart broken quotes 2017

Sometimes someone can hurt us more than we really deserve because we had loved them more than they actually deserve.

hurt quotes 2017

When you feel you don’t deserve to be treated so badly remember that the person who broke your heart did not deserve your love in the first place.

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A relationship is like a rubber band that two people are holding: letting go of one side inevitably hurts the other.

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It hurts if someone tells you they don’t want you, but it hurts more if they don’t tell you.

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