International days Events

21st September International Day of Peace | World Peace Day

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International Day of Peace 2016

Every Year World Peace Day is celebrated on 21st September all over the world. The United Nations started this initiative of celebrating international day of peace every year. This day is dedicated to world peace and absence of war and violence all over the world. In 1982, peace day was first celebrated and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples globally. The theme of celebrating this day is to recognize the efforts of individuals, organizations and governments to end disputes and promote peace.logo-for-world-peace-day

Logo for International Day of Peace

Activities of World Peace Day

People from all over the world take part in different activities considering the theme ‘PEACE’  in their mind on international day of Peace every year.

According to a famous quote “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved  by understanding

Activities of the peace day includes plantation of trees, lighting candles and lights, offering prayers for peace, peace walks, art exhibitions to promote peace, different kinds of concerts to unite people and peace ceremonies on political as well as personal level.

International Day of Peace Celebrations

The international day of peace of United Nations is a global observance. It is not a public holiday. It is a day when different nations all over the world are invited to gather for the sake of peace and promote it by taking part in different activities. On school and college levels, peace day is celebrating to give awareness about world peace to the students of different communities and nations.


People celebrating World Peace Day

Symbols and Signs for World Peace Day

As we all know that dove is the symbol of peace. In every religion, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity a white dove represents peace. The flight of dove represents messenger of peace around the world.


People celebrate World Peace day by flying doves

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