Independence day Events
admin | September 19, 2016Cyprus Flag Wallpapers| Cyprus Independence Day
Cyprus Independence Day 2016 Cyprus is the island country in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is the third largest island...
International days Events
admin | September 10, 201621st September International Day of Peace | World Peace Day
International Day of Peace 2016 Every Year World Peace Day is celebrated on 21st September all over the...
Independence day Events
admin | September 9, 2016Malta Flag Wallpapers | Malta Independence Day Images
Independence Day of Malta Malta is located in Southern Europe. It got independence from United Kingdom in 1964....
Independence day Events
admin | September 9, 2016Costa Rica Flag Wallpapers and Independence Day Celebrations
Independence Day of Costa Rica Costa Rica is located in Central America. It got independence from Spain in...
Independence day Events
admin | September 7, 2016Mali Flag Wallpaper | Mali Independence Day Celebrations
Mali Independence Day Mali is located in the continent Africa. It got independence from France in 1960. Malians...
Independence day Events
admin | September 7, 2016Belize Independence Day Celebrations and Flag Wallpapers
Belize Independence Day 2016 Belize is located on eastern coast of Central America. It got independence from United Kingdom...
Independence day Events
admin | September 6, 2016Armenian Flag Wallpaper| Armenia Independence Day Celebrations
Armenian Flag and Independence Day Celebrations Wallpapers The Armenian flag consists of three horizontal bands of equal width....
International days Events
admin | September 6, 2016Ozone | International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Ozone Ozone is an inorganic molecule. Its chemical formula is O3. It is a pale blue gas with...